Chapter 2-Little Girl

Published on 25 December 2024 at 02:56

April 1, 2009 at 1:00 pm

It all started when I saw him at Starbucks and then he simply got into my way. Dam it king Ho, why do I want to run away with you?? Why are you in my head all over my body and mind.....?

I simply can't stop thinking about you and dreaming about you, how old are you? Why do you look so perfect? You have my heart racing a million miles a minute.


2:00 pm

Who is Gien, that's all I can remember... what your name again? What's my name again? Who am I? How old are you? Do you know who I am? Dam did I really fall this hard? It's just one girl....she not even wearing any makeup?? But here I am looking deep into her eyes looking amazing and wonderful?? What color are they? The sky and earth together. Wow... is this what love feels like?


3:00 pm

Mom I'm going to see King for dinner tonight do you need anything?

"No dear, I'm good for the moment. Let me know how your date goes, tomorrow?"


4:00 pm

I finally asked her out Gien Lord. The most amazing woman I have ever known and meet in person. I think we're the same age. She in all my classes, but one this year she graduating early compared to me. That's why I thought she was older. Man I hope she meets me.

I keep thinking about her lips soft and hot. No wonder everyone on school grounds calls her Lord. That name is simply the perfect word to describe her and her beauty.

Hi your highness. Its so nice to meet you today.


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